7 Ways To Practice Self-Love This Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day puts the emphasis on love for someone special in your life. But whether you are in a relationship or not, did you ever think that YOU are someone special in YOUR life? Why not make this day about loving yourself and self-care? You can't love another person in a healthy way until you truly love yourself.  Self-love is critical when it comes to becoming the best version of who you are. Loving yourself should be your #1 priority above anything else, even above your relationships with family or friends.  When you love yourself, everything falls into place. It doesn’t matter if you are one half of a couple, it’s time to show yourself some love, starting now. In honor of YOU this Valentine's day, here are a few ways to practice self-love.

1. Practice Acceptance

Accept that you are perfect just the way you are.  Every time you start judging yourself or comparing yourself to others, focus on your positive qualities and your strengths.  We are all unique and have different talents that make us who we are. Perhaps you are a talented artist or you are good at uplifting others, great in sports, social butterfly, etc...When you focus on being compassionate and forgiving towards yourself, you let go of all the judgment, negative self-talk, and self-doubt directed at yourself. When I start judging myself and comparing myself to other designers, I catch myself.  I choose not to go down that path.  It doesn't serve me at all to compare myself to other designers as they all have a unique story and are on their own journey.  I focus on what I do well, my positive qualities, my talents, and it soothes me. If you have affirmations, repeat your affirmations every day consistently. If you don't have affirmations, you can find some great affirmations online or through Pinterest.

2. Declutter your Space

Decluttering your space helps get rid of old, stagnant negative energy and allows new positive energy and freshness to enter your life.  Getting rid of anything that no longer serves you will bring new opportunities and new energy into your environment.  It's easier to start with a small corner space, a small closet, or any small room that you know you can handle. Spend some time and go through each item that you have and let go of anything that doesn't bring you joy and happiness.  If you can't bear the thought of throwing it away, donate it to Good Will or Habitat of Humanity.  If an item gives you feelings of warmth, love, joy, and positivity, keep it. Holding onto things just because they cost a lot or because it was given to you by a significant other or passed on to you by a family member doesn't necessarily mean it is good for you or good for your highest self.  Holding on to things affects not only your vibration but also the energy of your physical and mental space.  

3. Practice Mindfulness

Mindfulness is all about being self-aware and that includes the practice of meditation. When you are being actively mindful and aware of people, situations, places, and things, you are noticing and paying attention to your surroundings which includes your thoughts, feelings, behaviors, and movements. You become aware of the effects you have on those around you.  You can practice mindfulness anytime with anyone by showing up and being engaged in the present moment. Mindfulness is the simple act of paying attention to your surroundings, actively observing, and being present in whatever you’re doing. When most people go about their daily lives, their thoughts wander from the activity they are doing at the moment to other thoughts or sensations. For example, have you ever driven your car but don't remember how you got to the destination or missed the exit because your thoughts were elsewhere? When you’re mindful and aware, you are involved in what you are doing here and now with all of your senses. Your mind doesn't wander. You are being present in the moment.

4. Gratitude

Gratitude is another way to practice acceptance and self-love. Start a gratitude journal.  Include things about yourself. If you failed at something or didn't complete something, what about that failure are you grateful for?  I don't think many people take time on their own, alone, to sit quietly and self-reflect on who they are, how they have grown, how they have contributed to others, to the community, and what they are truly thankful for.  I haven't always shouted to the universe a great big "Thank You!" during bad days, but I know I definitely have a lot to be grateful for not just for one day, but everyday - My family, positive long-term relationships, good health, the fact that I'm able to do what I love as an interior designer and being able to share my gift to the world, traveling to exotic places all over the world, and giving back to the community with Habitat for Humanity.  By showing gratitude, you raise your energy level and in turn broadcast to the universe that you welcome new opportunities and are ready for more abundance in your life.

5. Journal

Journaling is a powerful way to shift your mindset, improving your mood and helping you feel centered, calm, and grounded. It helps you focus on self-love and self-care. I used to have a gratitude journal where I would write 3 things I was grateful for at the end of each day. I kept that up consistently for a while but then stopped. I need to pick that up again! Writing down your thoughts, affirmations, gratitude, feelings, and anything that comes up in the moment you are journaling will help shift your energy and vibration.  You feel calm afterward and any negative or low energy you had before you started writing is neutralized - which is what you want. Journaling is a great tool along with meditation to start raising your vibration and shifting your energy so you can attract positive things to you.

6. Meditate

Meditation is an intentional practice, where you focus internally on opening your heart, expanding your awareness, calming your mind, and creating emotional balance and inner peace. Meditation lifts your spirit and mood.  Also, to clarify, meditation means different things to different people.  Some people consider seated meditation as true meditation but I don't believe that has to be the case. Whatever your meditation practice is, spend time meditating each day, even if it's 10 minutes to clear your thoughts and center yourself. It usually begins with deep breathing, bringing all your awareness to your breath—inhaling and exhaling out—guiding your mind toward a single point of focus to the moment where you have no more thoughts and your thoughts don't consume you. I meditate every morning before I begin my day and every night to clear my thoughts, and ground and center myself. This helps me start and end my day on a positive note.  A consistent meditation practice once or twice a day helps send out powerful vibrations and positive energy to the universe. Remember, positive energy is much more powerful than negative energy but can be difficult to maintain without a consistent daily meditation practice.

7. Treat yourself

This Valentine's Day, as you think about how to show people in your life how much you care for and appreciate them — don't forget about yourself. Practicing self-love is something that takes very little time but has the ability to transform your life. Treat yourself to something special. Whether it's a pair of shoes you have been eyeing, a massage and facial package, a short weekend trip to your favorite wine country, or personal training to feel and look your best, go for it.  You absolutely deserve it! Treating yourself with love and kindness raises your energy level and your vibration, which in turn attracts people, situations, and things that match your new higher vibration leading to better opportunities that serve your highest self. I can't think of anything better than that.

I hope these 7 tips help you practice kindness, compassion, and love for your inner being not just for Valentine's Day but every day. Treating yourself well, respecting yourself, knowing your boundaries, and loving yourself is the single most important thing you should focus on every day above everything else. It should be your priority because doing that will not only teach others how to treat you, but you will send out a signal to the universe that you deserve all the abundance and love that life has to offer. Believe you deserve it and the universe will serve it!  Happy Valentine's Day to all of you lovely souls!

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