6 Ways to Living A Simpler Lifestyle

There is nothing more beautiful than living a simple life in a complex universe

"There is nothing more beautiful than living a simple life in a complex universe." - Mehmet Murat Ildan

The pandemic brought a major change to people’s wants, needs, and lifestyles from daily behaviors and routines to long term planning and goals. People were forced to re-prioritize their life. The desire to simplify, turning complication into ease and stress into calm was at the forefront of people’s minds. It’s about making the conscious choice to live an authentic, healthy, and simpler life with intention, starting with your mindset. Do you think simple means “boring, dull, or plain? It’s quite the opposite. Simple is beautiful, elegant, and timeless - rich in positive connotation. Here are a few ways to help you transition to living a simpler life which leads to true freedom.

“In character, in manner, in style, in all things, the supreme excellence is simplicity.” — Henry Wadsworth

1. Less IS More

Having less physical “stuff” and less mental “clutter” creates more space in your life for what’s meant for you. Clear out some furniture in your home, get rid of old clothes that you have never worn with the price tag still on, and release past energy you are still holding onto that no longer serves you. Having less gives you more time, freedom, and meaning in your life. More time leads to better stress management, more creativity, and increased happiness. More freedom leads you to pursue what’s truly important to you, to take advantage of opportunities, and to experience the amazing things life has to offer. By having less, you gain clarity, focus, and space for the right things that are meant for you to enter your life.

2. Mindful of Choices

Slowing down and moving at a pace that is comfortable for you is a good thing. Slowing down helps you become aware and mindful of all the choices you make every day from the clothes you wear to the food you eat, to the time you spend with others. Does working 10 hour days or spending time with people who don’t make you feel good support your values? Be mindful of what doesn’t support your values and make decisions from your highest self.

For me, meditation helps me make the best choices for myself from a centered, positive, and calm mindset. I am very selective about who and what I give my time and energy to. Living a simple life with intention is about making conscious choices about what to include and what to keep out of your life based on your highest values.

3. Let Go of What No Longer Serves You

I recently decided to walk away from something that no longer served me. It was a difficult decision because I invested a lot of time and energy over the past year and a half into something that I “thought” was part of my calling. But it wasn’t. It turned out I was on the wrong path and I’m glad I recognized it.

How do I know I was on the wrong path? The time and energy I invested just didn’t feel good over time. My intuition and my body were telling me so. The excitement and hope I felt, in the beginning, turned into anxiety, stress, and an overwhelming burden that I didn’t need or want in my life. I’m all about being centered, grounded, and most of all being at peace. I am now back on track and on the right path to what’s meant for me. I still learned a lot and I’m grateful for the knowledge and lessons I gained.

When you let go of what no longer serves you, you create space for what’s meant to be. “It is so empowering to say this isn’t serving me and walk away in peace.” It doesn’t matter how much time, money, or energy you invested in something. Anything that costs you your peace is too expensive and isn’t worth it.

4. Quality Over Quantity

What is a good lamp? It is not the most elaborate, the finest wrought, that of the most precious metal. A good lamp is a lamp that gives good light. -The Simple Life, 1903 By Charles Wagner

When it comes to design, most people want a home that is functional, comfortable, relaxing, and warm for their family. It’s not about the latest trend or the most popular furniture or gadget on the market.

A single quality piece that you love will create a strong impact in a space than trying to incorporate too many trendy items. It could be a single antique chair you love that was passed down to you from your grandmother or the first piece of art you splurged on that meant so much to you. Would you rather have one beautiful table lamp or one beautiful piece of artwork than four mediocre pieces that you’ll probably throw away in the future? It’s about quality rather than quantity, which relates to all aspects of life and is part of simple living.

5. Self-Care

Practicing self-love, self-compassion, and self-acceptance helps you maintain a balanced, centered, and grounded state of being. When we reduce commitments and obligations, learn to say No to things we don’t want to do, let go of what no longer serves us, and eliminate stressful situations, we have time to take care of our mind, body, and soul. It’s so important to focus on our self-care. Whether it’s making time to meditate, journal, create art, practice gratitude, take a bubble bath, or enjoy the simple pleasures that make you smile, self-care is essential. Taking care of yourself is the fuel that allows your light to shine brightly.

6. Authenticity

“Simplicity doesn’t change who you are, it brings you back to who you are.” — Courtney Carver

It takes courage to be your true self and be genuine enough to live according to your values. Authenticity is your words and actions lining up with what you believe. I can imagine that wearing a “mask'“ or being someone other than yourself must be exhausting and draining over time. I don’t know what that’s like because I stand in my authenticity. If you really want to be free, it starts with being true to yourself. Being who you really are takes off all the pressure and stress of being someone else you constructed from a false self. Caring about what other people think or trying to follow the crowd and do what everyone is doing is not authentic to your highest self. Don’t trade your authenticity for approval. It just makes life complicated when it doesn’t need to be. Authenticity is the highest state of being.

As Charles Wagner said, "Simplicity is a state of mind." Living a simple lifestyle is about our mindset, our beliefs, how we see ourselves, and how we see the world. It’s making intentional conscious choices about what best supports your core values and living your life as authentically and consciously as you possibly can. By slowing down and focusing on what’s truly important, we have the time and space to appreciate what we have and experience a fuller and happier life. There’s nothing better than that. That’s true freedom!
